Fourth Grade

Image result for trumpet
Image result for clarinet

THE DOUBLE PEAK EXPERIENCE – Double Peak 4th graders continue their exploration of instrumental music this year.  Last year, these students explored the world of stringed instruments.  There are a portion of students who will continue their education on strings as they have made a choice to pursue orchestra. The rest of the students will start the year continuing their musical education of Rhythms, listening skills, singing skills and exploration of musical history. In addition, this year we are going to open the world of music to your student through instrumental education.

Mr. McGhee will introduce the world of woodwind instruments to your student through an experience on the clarinet and then the brass family through an experience on the trumpet. As a parent, you will not have to provide anything, we will provide everything in class!  It is going to be a great year for you and for your student!!

PERFORMANCES –There will be at least two performances for these students this school year.  The performances will be during the school day, during your student’s class period.

UNIFORM – there will not be a uniform per se for this group, however, everyone may purchase a super cool DOUBLE PEAK BAND tee shirt for $12 from the Double Peak Band Booster organization, here.