THE DOUBLE PEAK EXPERIENCE – This group is for Students who have at least one year experience on their instrument. In this group we refine skills such as; tone quality, intonation, advanced rhythms, balance, blend, and sight-reading. We believe these skills draw individual students deeper into expanding their scope of possibilities, which carries across into every other subject they study throughout the day.
PERFORMANCES – This group will perform three concerts throughout the year for family and friends. The first is the “Turkey Concert” in the fall, the second is the “Coffee Concert” in March where the parents are invited to join their student during their class period and sit next to them while they perform, which provides a more intimate experience. And the third is the “Spring Concert” in early June at the California Center for the Arts.
In addition to these concerts, your students will represent Double Peak at Band Festivals where their performance will be adjudicated. Also, these students will have the opportunity to participate in solo and ensemble recitals. Finally, these students are eligible to audition for the San Marcos District Honor Band, which will perform at San Marcos High School in January.
UNIFORM – As this group is representing Double Peak School, each student is expected to wear black shoes, socks, long slacks. In addition, they will wear a BLACK long sleeve, button down shirt, and bow tie. DPS Concert Attire.docx
● Black dress pants (no jeans), black dress shoes (no athletic shoes), black socks that cover the ankles, Black Collared shirt with a black bow tie (not provided by band).
● In addition, a black Band t-shirt is needed for all field trips (available from the Music Boosters for $12).Click here to purchase a Tee shirt online or download the order form.
Below are some helpful ideas for obtaining your student’s uniform. Web sites for online orders: