Double Peak Spring Concert at California Center of the Performing Arts from 7 pm -9 pm.
Students should arrive by 6:30. Dress for beginning band students is band t-shirt and black pants/shoes/socks. Dress for concert band is black shirt/pants/shoes/socks/bow-tie. Dress for jazz band is the same as concert band, bow-ties and hats are optional. If your student is performing a solo or ensemble, they can arrive as early as 5:30 to practice on stage. Tickets are FREE and will be available May 30th – June 6th. Tickets may be picked up at California Center of the Performing Arts in Escondido or reserved online through First come, first serve.
If you would like to place an ad for the commemorative 2017 “Suns” Spring Concert Program, please fill out and submit the Spring Program Order Form to and attach your ad as a PDF file. Deadline to submit is May 28th.
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